Datenfabrik.NRW: Artificial Intelligence for Production and Logistics

What will the production of the future supported by artificial intelligence look like? The Datenfabrik.NRW project sets out to do pioneering work and shape the digital transformation in a real production environment. Datenfabrik.NRW is a project of the it’s OWL Leading-Edge Cluster in which the companies CLAAS and Schmitz Cargobull are developing a model for a data-driven factory of the future together with NTT Data, Duvenbeck Kraftverkehr and MotionMiners as well as the Fraunhofer Institutes IEM, IML, IOSB-INA and IAIS. Factory planning, production, logistics and the corporate architecture of user companies are analysed and transformed in pilot areas on the basis of the most innovative processes and using artificial intelligence. In addition, a strategic framework for change management and an IT infrastructure are being developed so that technology and knowledge transfer can be widely recognised beyond the borders of NRW.

The four participating Fraunhofer Institutes are contributing their application-orientated research and practical implementation experience to the project and are taking on the AI part of the project. Three points are addressed: they identify and develop concrete solutions for the use of artificial intelligence in industrial production. They also facilitate the transfer of methods and technologies from science to companies in order to integrate AI-supported solutions into existing processes and company architectures. They are also developing a holistic change management system that supports companies in organising new processes for the use of artificial intelligence. The results will then be implemented directly in the Claas and Schmitz Cargobull factories and will also be used by other companies.

The Datenfabrik.NRW project (duration 4 years) has a total volume of 14.5 million euros and is funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with 9.2 million euros. The data factory is also a flagship project of the KI.NRW competence platform, which aims to develop North Rhine-Westphalia into a leading national location for applied artificial intelligence (AI) and establish the state in international networks.

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